seronok klu dberi tangungjawab...
i learnt a lot on how to deal with people...
walaupun tugas aku sbg 'invitation n protocol' je..but then it was quite a 'tiring' task since i had to create the invitation cards and send it to the lecturers.
it was such a sweet experience...
the nite was end perfectly awesome...
i had a good time there...
actually, a day after supposed to be examination which is today..
the whole week was such a busy week.. i needed to revise "history" and at the same time i had to go to meeting and do works...
i think i did it well...
today's exam was not so bad.. all i read, came out in the exam.. alhamdulilah (berkat doa kakak2 n abang2 'commitee bedsa')
all i need to do is "tawakal"
i want to say... alhamdulilah and thank you Allah for giving me such a beautiful life and giving me lots of opportunities for me to do in this short life before i come back to Him...
:::: the scenario in dinner::::